First of all, I feel very bad about this poor girl...
She's doing her job...
On TV...
And then...
This happens:

So, you're at the beach or at the swimming pool and this happen...

Ok, so that is a birthday party, and a fancy dress party... A costume is a costume after all!!

Here is another good FAIL, make sure you shave before the picture is taken...

This is upon me... Who on earth would waste some good quality film, or memory or pixels for that??

Mom! Mom! I found a word that wasn't in the list!!! Yes darling? Which one? Oh shit...

Well someone is in troubles...

As I told you I am french...
And as proud as I can be of my country...
Mr President of the Republic is a freakin' midget!!

Well I am sure that all the skinheads around the planet will not use Google ever again...

That is a FAIL in the coming...

So you won a Toyota eh...

So I heard that Verizon isn't the best company around when it comes to customer services... I wonder what they did to that guy...

Why you shouldn't live your advertising doings to Microsoft...

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